3 Replies

Most importantly, keep your child at home and minimize contact with others. Symptoms to look out (which require emergency medical care) include: - Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath - Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen - Sudden dizziness - Confusion - Severe or persistent vomiting - Decreased or no movement/lethargic Otherwise, plenty of rest and fluid is important to aid in your child’s recovery. Medicine that helps relieve the symptoms for fever, sore throat, runny nose and cough could also be given to help ease your child’s discomfort. Bring your child to a doctor and he/she will determine if antiviral drugs is required. For more information: https://www.nuh.com.sg/ktp-nucmi/clinical-care/disease-and-conditions/infections/influenza-a-h1n1.html

My fiance was infected with H1NI (or swine flu) when he was living in Hong Kong back in 2009. He was quarantined for a duration of time and had food delivered to his apartment. I think the doctor gave him antibiotics and he was asked to drink lots of fluids and basically rest rest rest. While he is not a child, I reckon the treatment for both adults and children are generally similar. Children might not be able to handle the discomfort and pain (from sore throats, chest pains) too well so do take note to make him or her comfortable and to monitor their temperature and general well-being when they are down with H1N1. But come to think of it, my fiance was in his mid-20s then he acted like a child the whole time he was sick :|

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