10 Replies

Yamaha provides group music program for younger kids before they start actual piano lessons. Yamaha is more focused in ear listening. If you are looking for piano course for younger kid, I suggest group learning is better as they have motivation to learn with peers. If you are looking for actual piano lessons, do consider recommendations from your friends on the private teachers. Teachers at music learning centre might change along the way and thus it is better to find a suitable private teacher on your own to stick through.

Not very recommended to go yamaha or christofori. They are more business minded and doesnt really plan out well for young kids. Their teachers are nt as friendly or passionate as some music private teachers. I would suggest to find private teachers if you would seriously want your child to learn a particular instrument.

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Yamaha seems to be over rated. i went to Yamaha and i was also planning to send my boy for piano lessons there.

Anyone sending their kids to music classes elsewhere too? Welcome feedback! :)

I went to Yamaha parkway, nothing great it was so so only.

Another one you might want to consider is Music for Young.
