Has anyone ever tried their own breast milk? I've not! I was wondering if breast milk tastes different from day-to-day based on the foods we have consumed?

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I haven't tried personally too but hubby say it is tasteless, maybe if I take lots of fish, then it is a little fishy. Sometimes, I will feel the same too cos I can smell on my own body. Lol No matter what, I will always ensure that baby have at least 3-5 x of my breastmilk for nutrients.

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9y trước

I was just pretty curious because I consumed some durian the other day haha!

One of my friends told us that she tasted her own breast milk so that she would have a basis for comparison when she need to determine if the milk has went bad. She described it as being very sweet. I've read that the taste could be affect by the nursing mother's diet as well.

9y trước

Yes. My Sister tried it and described it to be very sweet. I read that formula is even sweeter(can't imagine how sweet it must be!)

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