2 Replies

I gave birth at KKH. I did induction and my labour was 38 hours long. I used 3 pessary, the induction pills they insert into your vagina to induce labour. Each pessary lasts 6 hours, and i opted for pain relief from the 2nd pessary onwards. They will bring you to the induction monitoring unit until you dilate to at least 3 cm before they bring you to the delivery suite. They don’t give you epidural until you are in the delivery suite. Every woman responds differently to the induction, some women take shorter time to reach 3cm and full 10cm dilation. For me i was particularly long, not sure why but it was what one of the gynaes commented on. But induction is good because you are surrounded by a team of midwives, nurses and docs throughout your entire labour process. Rather than you go into labour outside of the hospital and have to manage the admission and other things while in labour to be admitted into hospital to deliver your baby.

Unfortunately everyone’s experience is different. For mine, I was induced and apart from the first 1 hour of contractions, after I requested for laughing gas and then epidural, everything from then was pretty much painless (even during stitching). Whole process from admit to induce till baby out took 6 hours. I would say trust your body and go for any pain relief you want. Relax and go with the flow. Definitely eat before you admit 😂 Congratulations and wishing you a smooth delivery 💪🏻☺️!

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