Do you wear hand glove whenever you go out during RMO?
Do you wear hand glove whenever you go out during RMO?
Nêu ý kiến
Yes, extra protection
No, but I apply hand sanitizer

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i use the glove with hand sanitizer during buy the groceries only because to many people frequently touch the all item fruits,soap everything to choosing the item or checking the item okey or not.. so i prefer my self to wear glove + hand sanitizer too...the after buy all i need...i will not use the same glove to buy again my kitchen groceries next time/ next always use new glove,old glove directly throw in the trash after use it...

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Wearing gloves is not safe.. I use sanitizer when im out.. And washed my hand frequently at home.

Super Mom

Oh!. I almost forgot. I should wear one later. This serves as a reminder for me, THANKS TAP!.💕

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Rasanya da sebulan lebih xkluar rumah. Sblm Mco dijalankn. Appointment anak pn da 2x tunda😅

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Sanitizer xpakai...glove pon xpakai...sbb mmg xkeluar rumah😅 Checkup pon ngelat xpergi

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My husben wear it


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