Breast pump terbaik

Hai mummies, blh share x breast pump yg bagus? Kalau blh nak yg handfree Good yield Silent Soft suction And sesuai untuk papaya shape breast🤭 Confuse laa bnyk sngt jenis bp yg ade dkt pasaran skrg

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brand ni the best breastpump evahhhh ! Sbb dia tak bulky , suction niceeee yg penting handfree senang nk buat keje

Awak duduk area mana? Boleh pergi Pump On The Go. Kat situ boleh sewa dulu sebelum beli. Sales associate akan guide awak from A to Z.

3mo trước

Sebelum bersalin pun boleh pergi. Mereka akan guide nanti. Awak first mom or first time nak guna breast pump? It's best for you to get a proper guidance from the expertise. ☺️ For info, good yield comes from the correct size of flange. Wrong size would not produce optimum yield regardless the numbers of breast pump you are using.