Manas sa paa

Good evening... Tanung ko Lang po... Ano po dapat Kung gawin bukod sa paglalakad at wag matulog sa hapon? Nag start na po Kasi ako mag Manas sa paa... I'm 30weeks and 2 days.. thanks po sa mga sasagot.. #1stimemom #advicepls #pleasehelp

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I've never heard about avoiding afternoon naps kasi kailangan ng buntis ng pahinga. But if you're sitting/lying down, keep your feet elevated. Ipatong mo sa unan pag nakahiga, or sa foot rest/stool/couch pag nakaupo. If nagwowork ka and matagal kang nakaupo, still keep in elevated, pero tayo tayo ka rin lakad lakad. Stay hydrated and do other light exercises din. Lying on your left side helps your kidney function smoothly din, so you can eliminate fluid more efficiently. Take note lang po, let your OB know about it so they can keep an eye on it. If you're experiencing other symptoms like high protein in your urine (based sa urinalysis), high blood pressure, rapid weight gain, anything else that doesn't feel right, best to go to your OB na po agad.

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