Should I continue BF/pump?

FTM here, 7weeks PP. I’ve been trying to BF my LO since he was born and even engage an LC to help with latching. Some days he latches, some days he refused to latch, no matter how hard I tried. Secondly, my supply is really extremely low. I do pumping, but barely reaches 10ml for both side. With the result I get, I feel like giving up BF. Any advice on how to increase supply? I do take Swiss Breastfeeding Support as supplement and snack on some lactation cookies but still the same. Or should I just give full FM as it’s really exhausting to trying to get him to latch or pump.

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I had the same problem with my first. Only getting 20-30ml even aft 2 months. Went up to 50ml aft I found moringa leaf but in the end I gave up breastfeeding totally (was supplementing with FM most of the time but still latched himwhenever I could) at 5 months cz going back to work just dipped my supply again. Fast fwd 3 years later with my 2nd now at 4 months. Aft several tries, these work for me well and I'm able to give just enough for her and even create a stash to be sent for freeze-drying. 1) Pump: I'm always latching so I cld only pump once or twice a day so I usually do power pump or tandem pumping (baby latch and pump on the other) at night (between 1am to 5am) when prolactin is the highest. 2) Drink at least 3 litres per day 3) Eat more red meat 4) Supplements with moringa work for me better so I'm alternating between Legendairy Cashcow and Milkapalooza. 5) Brewer's yeast gives a quick supply boost whenever my supply dips due to being sick or not drinking enough. I'm currently fasting and still able to provide enough for baby thanks to this but baby is a little gassy so I'm not taking it daily. 6) Chlorpheniramine. I got to know this boost my milk supply accidentally when I was sick. Was told by my doctor that domperidone works faster but I didn't wanna depend on a drug so I'm taking Legendairy supplements more instead. 7) Dates. I usually consume abt 5 to 7 a day though there's a study that 10 a day would let u see a boost faster. You can also drink the red dates brew with goji berry, though for me it didn't have much effect. Different moms have different things that work for their body. It's really about giving everything a try, yes, tiring but if ure determined to supply more for baby, I'm sure u'll find sth that works eventually. Like for me, fenugreek is a no-no as it reduces my supply, but some other moms might thrive with it. And lactation bakes for me are just a waste of money cz they don't work for me at all. Yup, I've spent hundreds buying lactation cookies and brownies for my 1st and during confinement but it didn't help much. Please persevere mummy. Even if u still can't give much, a little is still good for baby. I had a bad bout of Covid just a month ago and till now have not recovered my sense of smell and taste fully but baby has not fallen sick at all. Amazingly not even a sniff of flu even when I still continued to latch her (of coz with other precaution like wearing mask all the time and not kissing baby at all).

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