Should I continue BF/pump?

FTM here, 7weeks PP. I’ve been trying to BF my LO since he was born and even engage an LC to help with latching. Some days he latches, some days he refused to latch, no matter how hard I tried. Secondly, my supply is really extremely low. I do pumping, but barely reaches 10ml for both side. With the result I get, I feel like giving up BF. Any advice on how to increase supply? I do take Swiss Breastfeeding Support as supplement and snack on some lactation cookies but still the same. Or should I just give full FM as it’s really exhausting to trying to get him to latch or pump.

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hi! Imo i think if you have time, and not averse to it, you should continue pumping so you have some sort of supply no matter how little~ but whether or not you give your baby is another thing. you can give your baby formula and freeze your breast milk and give your LO only once in a while, like perhaps when mixing with cereal or when baby is ill or constipated. if it is difficult and tiring to latch everytime, then try a specific timing everyday to try (morning when baby wakes or evening when baby is drowsy) . sometimes low supply could be the pump issue. I have two medela pumps - freestyle and pis-advance. For a 20 mins pump, a full 100% power freestyle would only yield a 60% supply of a pis at 30% power! huge difference! also eat lots of protein and drink lots of water (like at least 2L a day). u can try milk boosters or galactagogue such as fenugreek to boost your supply. then take one hour a day to power pump if you don't have time to regularly pump. for me, when I was trying to increase supply,I pumped every 2 hours thru midnight and powerpumped twice a day + everything mentioned above. More than quadrupled my supply in a month. Maybe you can try too!

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