Should I continue BF/pump?

FTM here, 7weeks PP. I’ve been trying to BF my LO since he was born and even engage an LC to help with latching. Some days he latches, some days he refused to latch, no matter how hard I tried. Secondly, my supply is really extremely low. I do pumping, but barely reaches 10ml for both side. With the result I get, I feel like giving up BF. Any advice on how to increase supply? I do take Swiss Breastfeeding Support as supplement and snack on some lactation cookies but still the same. Or should I just give full FM as it’s really exhausting to trying to get him to latch or pump.

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I got help from a masseur to clear clogged ducts and open milk ducts as well. I yield really little at the start, about 20ml from both sides but managed to increase my supply slowly after that. I replaced one of my pumping sessions with power pumping for a week, drank lots of fluid about 2-3L (red date tea during confinement and water after that). During pumping, I will massage my boobs for better milk flow and hand express after that because pumps dont clear that well sometimes. Finally able to latch my bb at 7 weeks PP. But my supply still cannot keep up with bb's demand so I still supply with FM at times. Most impt thing is dont be stressed, cos that's the no.1 milk supply killer.

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