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Super Mum

hope this helps Diaper and wipes Pampers, mamy poko huggies, drypers Playful, happy, sweet baby, merries sweety Toddlie baby apple crumby rascal and friends Ultra Fresh Soondoongi Bath esssentials Lactacyd baby Cetaphil/ baby Johnsons cotton touch Baby dove Buds baby Tiny buds Sacred cotton balls/ pads sanicare jumbo balls cleene cotton pads baby moby cotton pads cotton buds tiny buds baby moby Swaddles/blanket Lulujo Swaddies Love to dream Lukie bear Diaper bag Jujube ❤ Baby bee You can check Momzilla, The Parenting Emporium, Mommy Mundo and Edamama for these and  other  products also of their schedule fairs for better deals and discounts **** all depends on your preference and budget. 😊 may mga generic brands naman din.

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