5 Replies

You can try having some overnight oats in your fridge. http://www.katheats.com/favorite-foods/overnightoats It's really simple and nutritious. Just soak some oats in milk (any type of your choice, I love using chocolate milk) or yogurt, add in some honey or maple syrup, some chia seeds if you like. When you want to eat it, can top it up with fruits or nuts. I usually add some granola, nuts or peanut or nut butter. Wholesome and simple meal. And the combinations are really limitless. You can refer to the article for some suggestions. :)

Thanks for the suggestion. Been a while since i last made overnight oats. Will try making it soon. Thanks!

Sandwiches and wraps are always easy, filling and yummy. You can prepare the components of sandwiches in advance; vegetables, hard boiled eggs, tuna, grilled chicken breast, slices of cheese etc in containers. When you need to, you can easily assemble the sandwich or wrap :)

Yeah grilled chicken breasts can stay in the fridge for 3-5 days (don't freeze, yes chill), as long as you keep them covered. When you make the wraps or sandwiches, you don't have to heat them up, just put them in the sandwich/wrap with the other ingredie

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Usually i will do wraps or sandwiches. Have some ready made filling like egg mayo, tuna mayo or salmon mayo(milk booster) I just wrap it with some cherry tomatoes and have it. It's filling and quick too

I'll usually have cereal, oats or pre made sandwiches with ham and avocado. simple and nutritious. I take lots of wheat biscuits and wholemeal bread in between meal times if I'm hungry. Fruits are good too.

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