It was December 5, 2014 when the most euphoric event in my life happened: I gave birth to my bundle of joy - Jacob. We may have faced some difficulties at first, but we are very grateful to God that we were able to surpassed it. ❤
(Jacob was a jaundice baby, so he undergone phototherapy for a few days and it was painful for me to see him during that time.)
As a single working parent, I am always trying to be there for him to witness every single breathtaking milestone that he would do.
Jacob constantly surprises me with the new things that he can do. It was few months back when I heard him read a sentence from what we were watching. At first, I really thought that it was just coincidence 😅, so I put him into a test 😅. I asked him to read new words and voila he can actually read them! ❤ I was ecstatic and in awe to learn about his new skill. 😊
Now we (his teachers and I) are helping him to enhance this skill and maybe (just maybe) Jacob can do a lot more with it in the future. 😊❤
#AmazingPossibles, #NANKIDPH, #theAsianparentph #TAPVIPMoms