Sleep management and food consumption

Hi fellow mummies, I just wanted to get some tips from you guys on sleep management and food consumption. Right now I am 33 weeks and I keep having indigestion. The food doesn’t digest as fast as it used to and I keep having food coming up in my throat. Is there any way to help cope with this? Also, sleeping is hard. I prefer sleeping on the right side as my baby will protest if I sleep on the left side. Is it normal? Everywhere on google recommends left side and I’ve been trying to rest on the left but it’s getting harder each day. #advicepls #firsttimemama

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My baby kicks me more too when I sleep on the left side. I try to sleep a while on left side then switch sides, sometimes on my back but elevated

Last pregnancy i automatically sleep to the left. But tis pregnancy apparently i prefer the right too! Im reaching 36 wks tml!

I take Gaviscon to relief indigestion, as recommended by gynae. It’s safe for pregnancy.

i switch sides throughout the night if not either side will feel sore.