2 Replies

VIP Member

Hi, I also giving my LO Lactogen 1 formula milk and seems to have the same noisy phlegm. Did ask the doctor at polyclinic, doctor mentioned that if baby having normal urine and poop should be fine. Will be changing to Nan Optipro for my LO soon as I receive feedback that the taste is closer to BM.

Thank you for the reply! Just checking you gonna try NAN optipro or the NAN supremepro H.A...? Im not sure whats the difference?

I used NAN Optipro HA for my baby (also given by TMC), no issues for her. However, it may not work on every baby. If you have friends feeding NAN Optipro, try to ask them if they can let you try some first in case baby cannot take it.

Oh ya, they are the same thing. Optipro HA renamed to Supremepro HA 😊

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