Baby bassinet?

Hi everyone, we had bought a baby cot during October's baby fair and only after talking to a friend, she suggested we get an additional mobile baby cot or napper which can be pushed around the house... any experienced parent can advise if this is necessary? We are planning to place the one we ordered (immobile cot) in the nursery as we don't have space in our master room to place the big cot. Means we will have to get a smaller bassinet / mobile cot for room / living room area... #baby #mum #cot #sleep #bassinet #advicepls TIA!

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Yes I’m a supporter of getting a mobile baby cot / napper. We have one hand me down from brand called combi. Very useful. However it is also good that the baby uses the immobile cot if that’s ultimately where you want baby to settle and sleep in permanently long term. Because I realize for my first born out of convenience we kept putting her in the mobile cot (easier for my mum or other ppl to care for her in common space while I get busy eating/shitting/showering/punping ) but end up my child didn’t take well to her immobile cot 🤪 so the immobile cot was like a vase in her room. Now with my second born I will make sure she sleeps at least 50-60% of the time in her immobile cot. They need time to feel familiar with their surroundings and adjust. If they are not familiar enough they will cry and fuss for sure. Something for you to consider!

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On hindsight I think it’s better that i stick baby to the immobile cot mostly, and only use the mobile cot when it’s needed for SOME naps, not all. Sleep conditioning starts from day1 to develop good sleep habits. For everyone’s longer term sanity. Instead, the mobile cot can be used more for when baby is awake, to push baby around the house and engage with for play etc.

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1y trước

thank you so much for sharing your experience!

i not getting mobile cot. house space issue. instead i get a electric rocker that can be pushed around easily