UTI Journey

During my 1st and 2nd trimester, my urinalysis results were always normal. Then came 3rd trimester, my UA results came back showing that my urine pus cells are 20-25 so I've undergone antibiotic medication for a week. Earlier, after my repeat UA, my urine pus cells went up to 30-40, I have many epithelial cells and protein was traced. Nakakaloka. Been drinking lots of water. No juice, no softdrinks. No junk foods or salty foods. I use cotton panties, change 3-4 times a day. I wash with water and organic femwash (human nature). What else could be causing my infection? May Naka-experience ba na nagmedication na Mas Lalo pa ding tumaas ang UTI? Any recommendation guys to resolve this? #advicepls

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magpa urine culture ka momsh. kasi baka may pinanggagalingan na yang UTI mo sa case ko naman 2x din ako UTI tapos ngayong 3rd trimester may onti na lang 6-8/hpf na lang pus cells ko kya d na ko pinagtake antibiotic ng OB ko. kaya nanaman daw sa water therapy