10 Replies

Hi, It may surprise you, if you are not aware that even green tea has caffeine in it. And caffeine affects the production of breast milk. It can cause gastrointestinal problems and can also cause constipation in breastfeeding women. Also, whatever mother eats reaches breast milk in 6 hours so excessive drinking of tea can make caffeine reach milk and when baby drinks it, he may become restless, wide-eyed and hyper-active. Personally, I feel that if you can avoid having tea then do, else have it in moderation. And have it after breastfeeding. Also, most teas contain caffeine so opt for herbal tea. You can also go for decaf tea. Herbal teas that are safe to have and also help in increasing the milk supply are: fenugreek tea, fennel tea and raspberry tea.

You are welcome! :)

With moderation id say its okay. However green tea has caffine. Even though its mild, caffine is not advisable. Babies tend to get restless, cranky or even have a bloated tummy. As much as possible i would avoid anything with caffine as much as possible.

Drinking green tea with caution while breastfeeding. Drinking green tea in controlled amounts during breastfeeding can enhance heart health and digestion. However the caffeine and tannic acid in green tea can affect milk production.

There is no official advice that says you should stop drinking green tea during pregnancy. But you shouldn’t drink too much as it contains only a little less caffeine than standard tea, depending on how its brewed.

It's ok to take caffeine if your Lo is not affected by it. You can try a bit to see how. I drink coffee but not green tea as I crave coffee a lot more and my 1 a day is coffee ( or milk tea ) and not green tea

Can drink moderation and see your baby will wake up midnight ant?

I always give in to my craving. :p

I always try to avoid


VIP Member

With moderation should be fine. But try to avoid