bubble tea

Do u drink bubble tea during pregnancy? How many times per wk? I crave for bubble tea but I try to limit once a wk.. but my nice husband always ask if I wan to drink because I've been vomiting & loss of appetite for past wks. I'm so tempted!

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All in moderation. Bare in mind that the bubbles/ pearls may increase the chance of heartburn and or bloating over time.

Only when there is craving for bubble tea😋 And, will have it with less sugar & no ice...

Dont drink too much. Bubble tea high in sugar. If u are craving for sugar suggest taking fruits

Super Mom

I did not drink bubble tea but I kept drinking golden avocado from liho. Once a week.

It’s ok to drink it occasionally but it’s high in sugar and calories

Once in 1-2 weeks! But i usually request for 0% sugar, less guilty 🤭

Yes i did drink bubble tea... but only once in a blue moon kinda thing.

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Hi... you can eat and drink anything you desire but in moderation

I really crave it too but worried about getting gestational diabetes...

5y trước

Yes, yes , me too! I will order 0 or 25% sugar

Yes I drink during pregnancy but got to drink in moderate.