5 Replies

At Saturday Kids we run both weekend workshops and holiday camps. Our goal is to get kids started on coding and make it so fun they want to continue, whether on their own at home or by attending the next level of classes. In short, coding is not something anyone can master in 10 hours. It requires hours of practice and thousands of lines of codes written to become really good at it. On the other hand, the goal may not necessarily to be able to write code like a software engineer. The goal could simply to pick up computational thinking skills and learn to think in terms of automation, abstraction and data visualisation. You don't need to be a programmer for these skills to be useful in everyday life and at work.

Like most things, coding, in my opinion, is a skill that can be honed. You might learn the basics and fundamentals in one or two sessions but to further improve, to refine their skills, practice will always be a good idea. Maybe you can send your child to weekly classes? That way, he will always be kept up to date with his coding.

The main purpose of coding is to help one to improve their mind, expand their thinking skills and making one a better person. It can make you more productive, efficient and effective. I suppose it something we must practice often; not something that kids can pickup within a week! Hence weekly session is definitely better.

If you're interested in getting your child started on digital literacy, Google x Saturday Kids x 21C Girls is running a free full day coding camp at Google's offices this Saturday (boys can join too!). https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/google-x-saturday-kids-x-21c-coding-camp-aug-27-2016-tickets-27256620285

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