5 Replies

Hey there! Congrats on your pregnancy! I totally get what you mean about the limited choices for maternity wear sometimes feeling a bit outdated. But don't worry, there are plenty of stylish options out there beyond the usual spots like Kiddy Palace or Mothercare. One great place to check out is online maternity boutiques. They often have a wider range of styles to choose from, including trendy pieces that won't make you feel like you're stuck in a time warp! Websites like [insert link to maternity clothes website] offer chic and comfy maternity clothing that you'll actually want to wear. Another idea is to explore regular clothing stores that offer maternity lines. Many popular brands nowadays have maternity collections that blend seamlessly with their regular styles. So you can still rock the latest trends while accommodating your growing bump! And don't forget about second-hand options. Thrift stores, online marketplaces, and maternity clothing swap groups can be treasure troves for affordable and unique maternity pieces. Plus, it's eco-friendly too! Hope these suggestions help you find some maternity outfits that make you feel fabulous during this special time! 🌸 Mama's Choice $18 voucher 👉🏻 https://invl.io/cll6she

I went to blogshop that sells those no waist line and yet offers size XL or XXL (depends on your body measurement too), if not knitted dress (thin kind - No button or zip). Stretchy. if not visit Jump eat cry, specialised in selling maternity wear. They have some merchandise at Kiddy palace Paragon. #preggyneedstobepretty #preggyhastherightstofeelsexy


SHEIN (most importantly can return if cannot fit ☺️)! But I stick to mostly dresses during pregnancy as my prepreg flowy dresses can accommodate my bump 🥹.

Ty!! I totally forgot about shein 🤦🏻‍♀️haha.. yes I'm looking for dresses too... much more comfortable for me..

Just buy from shein. Honestly getting something to wear that is presentable at this gestation is so hard.

yes!!! I found out shein is the best choice. 🤣

Lovemere has some nice collections too.

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