Does anyone else hate being a parent?

Does anyone else find parenting overwhelming? My kid has just been diagnosed with ADHD and boy does parenting him drain the daylight out of me. He's constantly shouting instead of speaking at a normal level, he's always trying to climb me or digging his knees and elbows into me. He smacks his head into me, yanks on my clothes; recently he's started making these loud shrieking noises, even though he is perfectly capable of communicating properly. He's always moving and making noise, interrupting my conversations with my husband and honestly just overwhelming me on a daily basis. At best I dislike being around him. At worst I hate having him near me. Even when he leaves me alone I can never rest or relax because I know he's going to come at me again, it's just a question of when. He goes to school, he’s happy there. Also behaves similarly in school. I dread the hours of him coming home as it means the nightmare starts again and I have NO energy for him. He's 4 years old. This should not be this difficult. And that's not even mentioning the horrible, crippling feelings of guilt and shame I feel as a mother. Because I know none of this is his fault and I should be handling it better, and hopefully will do once I get on medication. I just needed to vent. I don't have any friends I can say all this to and I'm tired of watching other parents having a good time with their normal children and feeling jealous and ashamed that my family isn't like that.

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maybe can try a cane? it may work if soft approach dosent work