Office area nursing rooms
Is it difficult to get a nursing room during lunch hours around raffles place to pump?

Hi there, I have a suggestion for you but please do feel free to shut it down if it doesn’t work for you: I tend to always carry one of those breastfeeding covers that go over your head and cover your back. I also ask for an office chair with a high back. Reason being I pump at my desk, unapologetically. Not that we didn’t have a nursing room - we did but it just wasn’t enough for the 5000 employees we had and I didn’t want to waste time. I had a deal with myself that if I was going to be away from my children for 8 hours slogging to give them a better life, I wasn’t going to spend a minute more on work once I got home. So I bought a really good, hospital grade, double electric breast pump, and a hands free kit and left it at my work place, in the drawer and pumped when I needed at my desk. I also had washing tools which I kept in a container which I ‘sterilised’ with hot water and brought home on weekends for a thorough clean.
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