Preemie at 30w5d
Delivered my baby girl yesterday at 30w5d.. she’s 1.7kg and currently under observation at NICU.. please pray that she will remain strong to get through the process.. ???

Stay strong Puan. say positive things to your baby. 5 years ago, my first child was born with 1.77kg weight and now he has tough body.
Insya Allah..your little princess is as strong as her mother..& tahniah juga sbb dh dapat baby..alami contraction awal ke mcm mana sis?
Sama2 sis..😘
Be strong mommy. take care and selamat berpantang. Mummy ada tersalah makan ke trun darah tu?
Placenta abruptio puan.. 😓
Dont wori everything will be fine strong....god is great....he will listen to our prayers.
Thank u for your kind words 😊
In shaa Allah moga baby sihat ye. Be strong, doa dan tawakal pada Allah 🤗
Thanks puan 😊
inn sya allah pasti blh ibu kena kuat semngt ya rajin ckp sma baby
In sha Allah. Thanks ya
Be strong mommy. Banyakkan doa ya. Insya Allah baby kuat. 😇
In sha Allah. Thanks ya
insha allah .. mummy kena kuat .. byk kan berdoa .
In sha Allah. Thanks ya
stay strong mummy ! God bless your baby...!!
Thank you 😊
In Shaa Allah baby kuat macam mummy dia.
Aminn.. thanks ya
Mommy of 3