2 Replies

Hi Lena, Thanks for the quick reply. This morning I just bring him to the clinic doctor, they prescribe him probiotics and stool softerner. I feed him immediately and just hours ago, he poo a lot, but are very hard stool. My son cry a lot during the process. It was heartbreaking to see a toddler crying so hard. What kind of prune purée u are referring to? I will continue to feed him probiotics and stool softener the next 48 hours and see if the constipation still persist. Thanks.

Try gripe water i tried on my newborn back then and he poops alot and not the hard kind

Super Mum

Hi Kenneth, it’s normal for baby to not poop everyday. But when he does poo, is it hard? If it’s not, then it’s fine. If it is, then you may want to incorporate more fibre into his diet. Have you also tried prune puree?

Hi Lena, thanks.

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