Female circumcision (sunat perempuan)

Dear mummies (muslim parents), can I check if you mummies still send your female daughters for female circumcision in this day and era? I'm asking coz my husband is a bit unwilling to let our baby girl go through such procedure as we are not able to find any supporting facts in the Quran with regards to female circumcision. I told my mum that I may not send my daughter for female Circumcision however she was kind of upset and the other day she sends me texts saying that my other siblings / her friends keep asking if we have send our girl for circumcision. Any mummies here that didn't send their girl for circumcision and may I know why? #advicepls #firstbaby #1stimemom #pleasehelp #babygirl

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why do we still allow our religious beliefs override our decisions? imagine our daughter finds out that there is something different from the other girls, how would she face in future?

Dear mummies., thank you so much for all of your replies. It broadens my understanding and the reason for female circumcision. Once again, thank you and have a good weekend ahead.

yes I send actually it very fast procedure and no medicine is need it take less dn 5 mins and all is back to normal

3y trước

no it isn’t please don’t subject your child to such unnecessary procedures

Hi, wanna ask for opinion, is it too late to sunat on my 5 months old babygirl?

Didnt send my daughter for circumcision, due to the same reason as well...

my Muslim client send both her son and daughters for circumcision

I’m appalled it’s even legal in Singapore.



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2y trước

hi ! this is the book :)

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