Dear Mummies and Daddies, I am à first time mom, we have a helper and my work hours are flexible. I am torn between a full day playgroup vs a few hourly playgroup. I am looking at which will benefit the child more. Am planning to send her when she is 18months. We stays in Punggol. Will love to hear your recommendations on centres and comments too

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If money is not an issue, why don't you try the few hours a day first (although this is going to be as expensive as full dayif you calculate the per hour rate). Let your lo get accustomed to it and then you can move forward from there. For me, I started playgroup for my lo when he turned 2 and now he is almost 4, and we are still doing twice a week only for 3 hours a day. I prefer spending time with him and taking him out to parks and playgrounds. Your lo can benefit from this one on one interaction and plus you can give him a variety like taking him to the zoo or the aquarium.

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8y trước

I took mine to Playgroups at Clementi. We only did once a week for 1. 5hrs. But you can do more and you have an option whether to put your lo in a Mandarin or English Class. They are very nice and flexible. We now go to Buttercups for twice a week. He does the starters class so it's like a playgroup too. Playdays has both accompanied and unaccompanied programs. Buttercups only has drop offs.