Dear Mummies and Daddies, I am à first time mom, we have a helper and my work hours are flexible. I am torn between a full day playgroup vs a few hourly playgroup. I am looking at which will benefit the child more. Am planning to send her when she is 18months. We stays in Punggol. Will love to hear your recommendations on centres and comments too

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It depends on what your child is ready for. Cost is only one consideration, although an important one. Quieter kids who observe and are very sticky will have a very hard time with loads of separation anxiety. so a full-day is very long....

8y trước

Thank you Jenni. I agree on the part on Cosy too. At the same time I am thinking if it is too stressful on long hours but on the other hand will it help when they are put on a scheduled. She is exceptionally active.