My Daughter purses her lips and looks at me in this mischievous, puppy dog innocent way just before she starts to bite or scratch me. She knows it hurts but she doesn't want to stop. Most of the time I can prevent it as she gives me this look. How do I get her to understand that it's not okay and it hurts as hell. She's 16 months old.

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"Mummy, sorry but I'm gonna bite you soon!" Hehe so cute! Just kidding, but you'd have to be firm and consistent in your reactions - a simple thing you can remember is Pain, Explain, Ignore. 1) Letting her know that it hurts (because usually it does!). Don't scold her or scare her with your reaction, but a simple "Ouch!", "It hurts!", "Pain!" or whatever she is used to in expressing pain will do. 2) Explain to her that doing that hurts, and it's not right to be biting anyone no matter her reasons. If she's frustrated, then talk to her and try to understand why she is upset (even if she can't talk, reference to her body language and try to suggest reasons why she's upset so you can find the root cause) before addressing it! If she's just being playful, you'd have to take step 3 - ignore. 3) When she does this because she's playful, one of the most common reasons would be because she thinks your reaction is amusing. The simplest way to resolve it is just to ignore it - if you don't react or respond to her, she'd start thinking that it's no longer fun and would just stop doing it :)

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First of all. 1. Be firm in the reaction. Said Ouch! It hurts! 2. Secondly if she persist, say you are hurting mummy. and mummy is sad. 3. If she continues to bite (what i would do is, i would stand and stay away from her.

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Lately my son has been biting me too. Its so frustrating. I have been saying no and placing him on my side when he starts to bite.

Be firm and keep enforcing that it is wrong and explaining to her. I would walk away if she continues to bite.

I will cry out as loud as I can