5. 5 doesnt like to study. How to tackle this situation

My daughter is in k2 and next yr she will be going yo local school. I heard local syllabus is tough and kids needs to work really hard. My daughter doesnt like to study, she is interested only in playing.. If i ask alphabets she doesnt know.. Numbers she doesnt know.. In school they are reaching addition, substraction and this girl doesnt listen to anything.. Any mommas faced this issue.. #advicepls

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Super Mom

I started off by making everything into games, to help my daughter find fun in learning. It’s more work and hands on for parents, but I think it’s worth it. I’m not trying to produce the smartest kid in the world, but want fo help her find the joy in learning, and I’m glad it’s turning out well. She does more self-directed learning nowadays (she’s K1) and asks me to teach her new things too. For the alphabet, songs may help (both in learning the letters and their phonics) For numbers, use counting in your everyday life. Reward her accordingly (stickers or something). All the best!

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