1 Replies

First of all, it's great that you are seeking advice on how to support your daughter in building her confidence and making new friends. It's a common concern for parents, and it's wonderful to see that you are taking an active role in helping her navigate this situation. One thing you can do is to continue encouraging her to interact with other kids in her class. You can role-play scenarios with her at home where she practices initiating conversations or asking to join in games. This can help her feel more comfortable and confident in social situations. Additionally, try organizing playdates with other children outside of school. This can provide her with a more relaxed environment to connect with peers and build friendships. It's also important to validate her feelings and let her know that it's okay to feel shy or nervous in new situations. Encourage her to express herself and communicate her feelings to you. By creating a safe space for her to open up, you are helping her develop emotional intelligence and resilience. Lastly, celebrate her strengths and unique qualities. Remind her of all the things that make her special and encourage her to embrace who she is. When she feels confident in herself, she will be more likely to reach out and connect with others. Remember, building confidence takes time, so be patient and supportive throughout this process. Your love and encouragement will go a long way in helping your daughter navigate social interactions and make new friends. https://invl.io/cll6she

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