Allowance for taking care of baby

Hello! Just curious how much you guys give to relative / nanny for taking care of baby? Currently LO 3MO. We initially wanted government infant care when my ML ends but till now still no slot available (applied since 6 months ago lol). For private there is slot but it's around 2k + without subsidy. My mom suggested that she can help to take care and also wanted to take a break from work while we wait for infant care. So she quit her job and will start helping us soon. Btw she is only 54 this year.. Her boss allows her to go back anytime. She is taking around 2.1k before cpf. Initially, I quoted $800-$1k for her to take care of LO. Do note that she will be coming to our place daily (only mon to fri, PH and weekend excluded as we will take care baby ourselves) as our workplace is nearby (20mins via public transport hence not wise to travel all the way to mom place in the north to drop baby n go work - we no car btw).. She doesn't need to buy baby stuff as we will provide, and she doesn't need to do housework or cook as we have a helper and meals will be cooked for her. We also make sure there will always be food at home. My husband suggested 1.5k..he mentioned that he had rather let family member take care than sending infant care.. Hence we are gonna pay her that rate.. My mom did mention before that she has got no cpf if she helped us, + she is taking a pay cut.. but she also said any amount that's comfortable for us as money isn't an issue, and she really loves her grandchild. Just a note that my siblings and I give her allowance monthly and on top of that, my siblings help her to top up CPF. I'm just thinking if 1.5k is too much? Not sure of what is current nanny rate n their job responsibilities.

1 Replies

Tbh the rates varies on individuals (my mum asked for 4K btw, she have a lot of kids but not much experience, all thrown to helper 🤓). Give what you can but at the same time you don’t have to worry about your expenses. Maybe offer $1K but bring your mum out for good meals/outings like once or twice a week? If your husband thinks after giving $1.5K the family can still sustain well, then follow your hub’s wishes. 😊

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