Pregnancy Guilt

Context: I've exhausted all my sick leaves from earlier in the year due to my issues w menstruation and the usual sickness like flu cough etc.. Now, ever since I was pregnant from End July to date, I've been on 7 unpaid leaves as my pregnancy symptoms are really extreme and bad (nausea, vomitting, headaches, weakness, body aches, dizzy, trembles, shakeyness). To the point ive barely left home, amd if I do within 1 hour 2 i have to go home as my body doesnt feel right. Plus, my job involves caring for moderate to high special needs children. Which is physically demanding.. Help.. Ive been feeling so guilty for not working, taking all these leaves.. My next hosp appt is 25 Aug.. Any advice mummies? Ive had multiple breakdowns and I can barely sleep or eat.. #pleasehelp #advicepls #firstbaby #firsttimemom

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Maybe try to see if you can request for HL from your gynae? some gynae may be able to make these arrangements if your symptoms need more care and rest. Then at least you can utilise your HL instead of getting unpaid - but check with your HR first if only the HL slip is enough or if you may have to get other supporting documents. all the best and take care!

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did you manage to get HL? i know those crazy symptoms i had them too in the first trimester i coulcnt even get out of bed for the life of me. very hungry but no appetite then nauseated cuz hungry, nauseated and vomitted after eating. 😮‍💨by week 11 or so it got soooo much better although still there once in a while now that im in my 14th week.

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Hope are you feeling better ! Just saw your post and decide to send some love ! ❤️❤️❤️❤️