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My baby is 1.5y/o and I don't think we would want her not to sleep beside [or n between] us anymore. She's the most clingy when she's asleep. She easily determines whether me or my mom (when she sleep with my parents) is still beside her or not and if not, she wakes up crying. She really can sense that even in the deepest time of the night. And mind you no one's gonna love to co-sleep with her as she's the fussiest, most hyper sleeping ninja ever! As in her feet gets into your face or you wake up in the morning with her sleeping on your legs. And I will really miss her if she gets her own bed - so... no, not now. Maybe when she turns 3 and gets more peaceful in her doze. I don't know, really. haha :D
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We're planning to give her an own room at 2 y.o. We first have to declutter our other room and design it with colorful and attractive designs.
I guess until the baby decides to stop breastfeeding. That's what my other mommy friends also do, because their babies still feed at night.
We'll do it when our baby is ready to sleep in his own room.
May i ask po what size of mattress you use?