Can you have a great marriage without great sex? How about no sex?

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I think it will be very tough.

its all hard work.




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Sex was created to bond the husband and wife. It might not be "Great" but it should still feel intimate. The worrying part is not being interested with your spouse, many of such moments, sadly are affected by the worldly temptations or comparison we have unknowingly. Its not easy to reset the mind, but having good time, better communication, doing things together like a long holiday does rebuild back those feelings. Its not healthy to have No Sex until diagnosed with conditions. Healthy rate, twice a week i would say :)

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4y trước

Everyone can show love in many ways, but the special way between husband and wife is to have sex. Sex is a unique way of showing love because two individuals get into the posture of joining their sexual organs together while enjoying the bond with each other and also the possibility of having a baby. Sex does not need to happen everyday, and that’s why sexy lingerie was invented. It’s for a woman to wear to bed to arouse her husband and even if sex does not happen, at least her husband would have been satisfied. Sexy lingerie is probably more important than having sex.