3 Các câu trả lời

kalo prenagen jangan terkecoh sama angka ya, itu bukan step trimester, pembeda varian aja itu mah 0 esensis = tahap persiapan hamil atau promil 1 emesis = bumil yg mual muntah 2 mommy = bumil yg gak mual muntah 3 lactamom = untuk ibu menyusui pilih sesuai gejala yg ibu rasain

For my thesis, it only caused me panic and fear, because I could not write well until I found this site https://topessaybrands.com/review/essay-service-com-review/ , which now does all the writing work for me, and I could calmly breathe a sigh of relief.

sebenarnya sama ajh sih bun sama" bagus cuma kan klo ts 1 kadang mual muntah parah jadi di anjurkan minum yg emesis tapi klo gak mulmun parah pke yg ke 2 di ts 1 juga gak masalah

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