Any brand to recommend for diaper rash? Tried so many products. Or is it the pampers? Using normal drypers btw.

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I used vasaline. Cheap and good. Works like a charm. Diaper creams are really expensive and full of chemicals that don't work.

You can try other diapers to see if there is rash still. Pampers and drypers give my LO rashes. Huggies, merries, goon doesnt cause rash for her

Keep babies bum are dry and clean. Apply a barrier rash prevention cream. It would help to keep the are moisturized.

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How often do u change your LO'S diapers? Try changing more often. Maybe this is the reason and not the diapers.

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Tiny buds super effective 179 pesos. Try dn po magpalit ng diaper. Super twins diaper very dry kaht puno na

Dear mommy Juz apply some breast milk on it and keep it dry It works...

Evian mineral water spray can decrease your babies diaper rash

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Angels balm baby bottoms works like a charm on my baby. Buy it from I herb

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8y trước

Okay will try and find this. Thanks!

Use himalayas diaper rashes cream , and libero diaper is best.