toilet training

My boy is 2y and 4mths old.. i've been trying to toilet train him for 3 days now, but he seems to doesnt care if he wets his pants... should i give it another try another time, or should i just thrive on.. coz im scared if scolding him would just discourage him...

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Tiap2 sejam bwk p toilet jek sis.. xyah tnye2.. Pastu sruh dia syisyi.. Nty lame2 mindset dia akn set kalo nk syisyi kena p toilet.. Sbb ank no2 sy pun sy uat cmtu.. 2thun da stop pmpers.

5y trước

Anak sy 2y5m... X pernh ajr g ttg toilet. Pernh bg dia try.. dia nangis takut. Smpai x jd nk membuang ?