8 Replies

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My friend used kurau and made green papaya fish soup with it. Was effective for her in increasing her supply. She added a tip which is to fry the fish first before cooking it in the soup.

VIP Member

Threadfin or red snapper. Do you know about the green papaya fish soup to drink during confinement? This is the fish they use to cook for boosting milk too.

VIP Member

Red Snapper and Pomfret. The green papaya soup is really delicious and I make it home. Even my husband and kids enjoy it.

My friends living overseas tell me cod and flounder works for them in terms of boosting milk supply.

Personally pomfret works best for me. I can feel engorged 1-2hrs after the meal. Try it!

salmon and tuna are rich in omega 3

VIP Member

Red snapper