My baby is turning 2 this October and I really don't think it's necessary to throw a huge birthday party. I'm thinking of a small gathering. Can you share your thoughts and experiences on this?

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We threw a big party for our daughter's first birthday, but not for her second. I think you're making a wise decision, but you should discuss with your partner and family. It's a bit much to fork out money for a birthday that they won't truly remember. Yes, it;s super cute and precious, but you can go practical for the second birthday and save up for other parties in the future in my opinion

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In Pinoy culture, ages 1, 7, 10 and 12 are the most important ages of throwing a kiddie party. But yeah, if budget permits you can prepare a small gathering with close family and ninongs and ninangs. You can have the party in a restaurant's function rooms. Having the party in a restaurant is nice too, less stress and less money to spend actually.

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I guess it's not really that necessary. My partner and I have plans to throw the usual first birthday party celebration for our child but not for his second. I think it's just more practical to save whatever the supposed expense will be. And besides, it's not only through grand parties that we can celebrate our child's birthday, IMO :)

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It's usually the first birthday that's "bongga" but the 2nd can just be for close friends and family! My sister had the usual big party for her child's first birthday - catering, ballroom, event styling, etc. But the second one was just a swimming party at home :)

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