2 Replies

It doesn’t work for all. I have friends who don’t give pacifier at all cause their family all grew up without one. What they did was give they give him a burp cloth to suckle on or his own fingers. Did you try swaddling or yaolan? Actually it won’t stop immediately and it takes time to soothe cause everything is still very very new to them and they need abit of time to adapt. If she’s crying while feeding, gas might enter. Can consider doing cycling exercises for her to help her fart 😊.

Hahaha I’m giving her ridwind now and ya it helps her to fart a lot more! Her stomach is not rock hard after she farts which makes me very happy!

I gave my baby pacifier… it works sometimes - all depending on the mood of the LO. If he is looking to suckle, the pacifier works and he becomes calm quite quickly. When he doesn’t want it, he will spit it out. Ha. At first, I also din want to start giving him pacifier.. but when he murder cries in the night, Im Juz feel happy that the pacifier worked and he calmed down..

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