Baby Carrier

Are baby carriers necessary? Which brand is good and also affordable price? Anyone using the Konny baby carrier? Is it good?

19 Replies
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I found this and it's very interesting about baby carriers

Super Mom

Yes, definitely a carrier is a must for me! Love it's convenience! My baby is one yr old and I'm still using it.

yes very comfortable and then you get to see all of your baby activity right in front of you. I use infantino

Thành viên VIP

I like ergobaby, it was essential for me! I used it so much, especially when I go out alone with my baby!

Konny is good - light weight, thin, easy to use. But prob better for small babies (newborn stage)

Thành viên VIP

I am using ergobaby and my LO love it

Thành viên VIP

ergobaby is good too

Influencer của TAP

I like tula
