
Baby Carla Jean Sales... 10 days old ❣️ EDD June 28 DOB June 25 2.9 Kls.. 7 hours Labor.. 2 hours delivery... FTM... CS na sana kaso nasa lying in na kami. Hirap mailabas si Baby dahil may UTI si Mommy tpus parating nag kacram pag nag eere. Thank God we are both Safe ❣️ Supposedly her fullname is Carla Jean Sales Mandao. Pero wala na talagang way na maaapelido nya ang sa Papa nya na kakamamatay lang Last May :'( Nevertheless. God is Good ❣️ I am now recovered physically.. but I am still coping up Mentally.. Tomorrow is her father's birthday and his last day with us :( His 40thday :'( Iloveyou Always Dadii namin 😘

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