How to introduce food to baby

My baby is 6 months and 23 days now but still she doesnt like food that i offer to her. Is she just dont want to eat or shes not ready to take in solid foods? Any advice? Thanks!

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Hello. It is not easy to wean. The new food flavours may be overpowering. Try introducing one flavour at a time. Mash boiled carrots for three days, then introduce boiled mash pear, and so on. Try one flavour for 3 days at least. Also, mix some bm with it.

6y trước

Yes. Im really having a hard time.. but thank you for replying. Im going to try what uve said. ☺

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just have patience and repeat feeding everyday until baby adjusts. also try to mix breast milk or formula along with the food that you offer your baby.