6 Replies

Try doing some baby massage every hour. Baby bicycles help a lot too. After which you’ll hear your baby passing lots of gas. Both my babies have colic and this 2nd one (3 weeks old) is much tougher than my firstborn. What is sleep at night for me this time round.. 😵‍💫 he’s always grunting and crying, but when I do baby bicycles he’ll stop and even gurgle. After every shower, I’ll use baby oil to massage his whole body, focusing more on his tummy and legs. I gave him tummy time too and let him sleep on his tummy most of the time with constant supervision. He sleeps much better on his tummy. I also put on baby binder for him. Sometimes I’ll add Ridwind into his FM for night feeding. He has difficulties burping too so I make sure I keep him upright for at least 10-15mins while patting him to burp then I’ll put him on his tummy to sleep. If he’s still uncomfortable I’ll pick him up and try to burp him again. Sometimes he’ll burp, sometimes he won’t. Or maybe, just maybe, your baby might still be hungry? Try add another 30ml milk on top of his usual feeding amount. My baby sometimes scream too when he’s still hungry. He can drink 90ml FM for night feeding and can only last 2hrs sometimes slightly less. Hope something works for you! 💙

like my baby, she easily get hungry at night. what i did was feed her every 2hrs with 30ml of milk only and burp her.. if she sleeping i will wake her up to feed her, burp her and pat her back to sleep. this way works for my baby. i always lookup if she poop or not. if she not pooping i will message her to make her poop atleast onces a day.. by doing that she will feel better and less gassy tummy. try to feed with warm milk. and times maybe u can make her do some tummy time... sometimes maybe your baby are feeling cool or warm..

I would suggest burping your baby at least for 10 minutes after every feed to help with colic. There are other things you can do including getting special anti-colic bottles to reduce air intake during feeding (Dr Brown's are generally regarded as one of the best) and if breastfeeding to check that baby is able to latch properly which may also affect how much milk he/she is taking. If very incosolable using pick up and put down, swaying, patting then may also want to check for fever in case baby is unwell.

I'm as helpless as you when baby cry uncontrollably so I drew this to remind myself to check on all these when baby cry. When none seems to working, I just cry with baby 😅

Try to watch on YouTube how to deal with colic it helps a lot I'm a first-time as well.

Try to relieve gas from baby and Can refer to pd they have natural meds for colic.

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