My baby is 2.5 months. How to train him to roll over? Any game or play?

I agree a little to soon unless he is ready already by himself my first was rolling over immediately after birth and was very advanced in general for movement for a newborn but if and or when ready a ball is also a great interactive to help with that my second loved to watch the ball roll towards and away from her. But make sure he has good muscle support and is able to hold his head up very well first and tummy time is always the best for getting them to roll over. Don't feel like just because friend/family or even doctors charts for development of other babies means its time for your little one too. Every baby is different and goes at their own pace, some more similar then others. But you know your baby best!! also they gave great floor mat toys for tummy time to look at if your little one is more apt to music like my second was things with like a feet piano is a great one and will also encourage the process of rolling over. Good Luck!!
Read more2.5 months is too early to get bothered about rolling :) You can make it fun by putting your baby on his back and then standing in a direction that would require him to roll over. Mama/Papa/Grandpa/Grandma or any other loved ones would be able to do that. You can also put his favorite toy far from him and encourage him to go grab it. My kid had a favorite book and we used that as a bait :)
Read moredon't train. he will do so on his own. he still needs support to hold his head. so don't push him to turn over. vital organs are still being formed or getting strengthend. so don't go against nature and make a mess of things. generally a baby starts to turn over by mid 3rd or 4th month. so wait and have fun....
Read moreInstead of training anything specifically, engage the baby with some essential toys. In a month or so start with tummy time. You can buy these must have toys and books for infants:
You don't need to "train" the right time will come. My baby started to roll over when she was 2months and 6 days. Believe me, I'll wish to have an extra pair of eyes ahahah
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Matututo po sya mag roll over ng kusa.. Baka po pag tayo mismo nagturo mabalian yung baby...
You don't have to train him to roll over, when he's ready for it, he will do it without help
Dont force it... She /he will naturally roll over.. Wait patiently
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