How much milk should my baby drink?

My baby is 17 days old. Weighing around 3.3KG-3.5KG. How much milk should he be drinking per feeding? I’m currently feeding him 75ML-80ML but he seems to wake up every 1.5hours and cry for milk. He used to wake up every 3 hours at 65-70ML. It’s getting more frequent now. Should I increase the intake again? Am feeding him BM in the day and FM at night.

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My LO is 21 days old and drink 110ml, she sleeps well and wake up every 3h on her own. You have to increase slowly like 10ml and try this for few days. I give BM mainly in the day or BM then top up 30-60ml with FM and FM at night cos she will be fuller with FM

9mo trước

Yes still same 110ml. PD say it’s ok as long as she can handle and doesnt vomit. But if u wan increase bb’s feed just try to increase by 5-10ml for few days and see how it goes!