1 Month Vs 100 Days

Baby 1 month vs 100 days celebration? ??‍♀️ What are your thoughts?

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Thành viên VIP

100 days will be better as baby immunity is stronger and mummy also have recovered well from delivery by that time. :)

Thành viên VIP

Personally I prefer 100 days but my parents and parents in law prefers 1 month. We adhered to their wish

Super Mom

100days. Baby's immune system will be better by then and parents can have more time to rest and prepare.

Thành viên VIP

I think 100 days is better. At least their immune is better and less cranky as well.

100 days! Baby will be more active by then and also your body will be stronger

I did 99 days. It was so fun with LO being more awake for photos and cuddling.

100 days... baby and I can rest more. And baby is more interactive by then

Thành viên VIP

I rather spend their 100 days..at least they're aware of the surrounding

Thành viên VIP

my parents and in law wants 1st month. but personally I prefer 100 days

I month better 100 days thot it’s for white matters.....