Pregnancy Journey - First Baby (Currently overdue)

Assalamualaikum and hello. So while waiting for this hero to come out, would like to share my first pregnancy journey. I just write based on my experience, and honestly i still lack of pregnancy knowledge. Therefore sorry for any mistake - if any for below information. On the early stage, I lost 7kg due to morning sickness. Makan muntah makan muntah, dehydrated. Bila dehydrate, mulalah kencing kotor. And also low bp. Then i force myself to drink plain water and eat green vege a lot. Alhamdulillah settle. Next, while scan, instead of baby, Dr suspect, i also have fibroid. Dr then refer me to the O&G Specialist. Alhamdulillah again, O&G declared the fibroid cannot be seen. As mentioned by her, the fibroid maybe there, but bila baby membesar, perut membesar, mungkin the fibroid also being stretched. Or, actually memang tak ada, but the previous Dr just want to refer to O&G for confirmation. Being tested again, on week 30, Dr said my AFI (air ketuban) kurang. Bacaan around 8 but Dr cakap supposed time tu around belas2 (sorry cant remember the range). After being monitored, everything went well around week 31, AFI up to 10 and its acceptable. And also, my baby growth got some issue. Perut and kepala agak besar, melebihi graph yang Dr plot. And Alhamdulillah after being monitored again, size baby dah kembali within the graph. Dr said, maybe my baby jenis cepat membesar. I ate a lot. Lost 7kg, from normal weight 53kg, down to 46kg then up to current, 65.5kg. Due to this factor, kena minum air gula dua kali, kena jumpa pakar pemakanan and also ambil result BP every two days (for a few days). Alhamdulillah all result are normal. And now, currently overdue. Due date on 9th Jan 20. So on the 9th, already met Dr, scan and all is well. Dr give me 8 days until 17th Jan, then kalau belum deliver jugak, I have to serah diri. And Dr asked me to walk a lot. So everyday I spend around 20minutes to walk from living hall to kitchen, and it took around 800 steps ? Within this 8 days, everyday I need to go to the clinics and check my baby’s heartbeat. And every 3 days, check size of my belly. Alhamdulillah since yesterday, started to feel contraction tapi tak kerap. Contraction around 1hour, then relax for 2 hours before it smashed again for around 2 hours. And today, attacked me only for 20minutes. I did asked nurse, should i go the hosp, but nurse said its OK to be at home first sebab tak kerap attack. But I really keep on eye my baby kicking. Its important! I did some exercise even I’m not sure the truth (emm sorry dearself), people asked me to cangkung for 10minutes, and relax then continue but I didnt force myself to cangkung lama2. Its hurt. Is it true cangkung can fasten the delivery guys? So thats its. Currently waiting for this baby to come out. Cant wait to meet him. Please pray for me ❤️

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Inn Shaa Allah, semoga Allah permudahkan. Byk2 jalan je mama. Tak payah force diri to cangkung. Its soooo hurt. And kesian kat baby u. Jalan je slow2. Zikir byk2 ye mama.

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For u. Pls du'a ye.

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