Journey of TTC

Assalamualaikum & hello! I’m here to share with you all my TTC journey for 3 months and now Alhamdulillah lekat. I wasn’t putting much effort than just trying to conceive during my ovulation tapi in that 3 months I tak rasa ovulate.. The pass months was a bit pressure cause everytime menunggu hari period came.. It was still early for 3 months yes, tapi I preassure sebab during TTC my period become haywire , first months was more than 8 days sometimes bocor even on my 6th day of period (which was never happened and not miscarriage), bad cramps, and one of my menstrual month I lambat 11 days and took 3 pregnancy test which was all negative.. I’m a smoker, but I reduced and I was stress because I never experienced any period like those I pointed before. Then, decided to really try and and dah set my mental to do fertility detox which cut on smoking, unnecessary process food and not stress to much and wanting to have a break and give myself 3 months for detox than nk try again. Here what I did 1. Started drinking pomegranate juice on my first day of period. 2. Amalkan makan makjun on my last day of period (everyday) 3. Just randomly trying out Mamamuda (will show you a pic) to help clear my discharge 4. Bought Maca powder minum time ovulate (which they say it can help with fertility) tapi sempat minum seminggu je 5. Yoga and light workout 6. Folic Acid Anyway this was the things im planning to continue doing for 3 months tapi yang I really sempat amalkan daily was from 1-3 yang lain tu baru baru je. What I realised I have a clear white egg diacharge which I never had before for the pass 3 months which is a good sign and I was excited to continue this routine for another 3 months before I start again sebab nak track my period and ovulation process. Little did I know I thought I was having sore breast due to period coming, and I was late for 7 days. Why not do pregnancy test for fun sbb I did on my first day missed period and it came out negative so the next week I buat lagi walaupun I dont keep my hopes tapi mmg tak expect pun suddenly I saw 2 lines 🥹 and today Alhamdulillah 6 weeks pregnant and trying to be positive as I can not worry to much and take care of myself. I tulis kat sini because I cant share my journey on social media yet 🤣 but here I am nak kongsi dengan all of you here and insyaAllah you’ll get there. Try out pomegranate sebab now my pregnancy pun I still drink it so far now it helps for my nausea.

6 Các câu trả lời

alhamdulillah congrats..same, did not expose my good news (pregnancy) to friends/relatives since early, but sharing as anonymous is okay hehee..

alhamdulillah awak, tahniah 💕💕. jaga diri dan kandungan dengan baik. semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan awak 💕

Alhamdulillah tahniah sis, take care & semoga mommy & baby sihat ❤️

take care sis moga selamat dan sihat ibu dan baby hingga bersalin



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